let's be honest here.
Saturday, 25 August 2012

Hai . Esok dah sekolah dah . Ermm , sat ja cuti kali ni kan ? :/ Dunia dah akhir zaman , memang masa akan cepat berlalu . Dalam Al-Quran pun ada tulis . My mom said "Nanti lagi cepat masa berlalu , masa satu hari kira rasa macam sejam."  Ya Allah ! Takutnya aku !

Quotes ? Hurm , aku memang suka baca quotes sekarang ni . Sebab aku rasa macam quotes-quotes ni kata kat aku . Memang suma kena kat batang hidung aku ! Hahaha =D

Yeah , you want to know ? Naaa , you don't need to know . It doesn't mean anything to you , right ?

How I wish I had that power . The power to ignore you , but I can't . Pity me :'(

Yeah , I have a feeling like that before this . Now , maybe ? Who knows  right ? Haha *fake laugh*

This ! This ! I really love this quotes ! Makin up code names with friends . Ahakss ~

Me insaf for five minutes after read this quotes . :/

Haha ! I'll do the same thing if you're asking me that question . :p

For now , no one ever talk to me like that . I'm changed ? Naaa , I never change okay ? ^^v

If it happen to me , I'll be the happiest girl in the world ! Just imagine and dream . Hurmm :/

True ! True ! True ! You're just a boy who have a high ego I've ever met !

Well , that quote is the last picture for this entry .  Bye !

p/s : Bajet speaking malam ni . :p
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